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Early 15th century Byzantine painting in the King Władysław II Jagiełło Foundation of the Sandomierz Cathedral chancel

Painting conservation
About This Project


Work on the exposure and full conservation of the painting begun in 2008 and was concluded in August 2010. The Sandomierz painting was known from historical texts and materials, already mentioned by Dlugosz. It was completely repainted in 1934. Work was financed with funds from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area – Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland, as well as by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Conservation work exposed a well-preserved mural painting executed in the typical for this period Byzantine fresco technique. Conservation revealed not only the 65 overpainted scenes, but also exposed a series of earlier and previously unknown 14th century paintings.


The revealed 15th century Byzantine layer included: an escutcheon frieze, scenes from Christ’s crucifixion, Christ’s and the Blessed Virgin’s nativity scenes, the Harrowing of Hell above the altar and a scene from the Annunciation. On the vaulting were exposed unknown scenes depicting a Liturgical Procession and Christ Pantocrator.



  • Chancel before conservation, 2008. Photo by Bożena Żbikowska-Sobieraj
  • Scaffolding erected to carry out conservation, 2008. Photo by Bożena Żbikowska-Sobieraj
  • Painting during removal of overpaints from 1934 by J. Makarewicz from 1934 in 2008. Photo by Bożena Żbikowska-Sobieraj
  • Painting during the removal of overpaints from 1934 by J. Makarewicz in 2009. Photo by Bożena Żbikowska-Sobieraj
  • View of exposed painting fragments during the disassembly of the stalls, 2008. Photo by Bożena Żbikowska-Sobieraj
  • Fragment of wall with incised drawings after disassembly of stalls, 2009. Photo by Bożena Żbikowska-Sobieraj
  • Fragment of St. Martyr during removal of overpaints by J. Makarewicz, 2009. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Fragment of painting during removal of overpaints, 2009. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Scene with Pontius Pilate during removal of overpaints, 2009. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Fragment of scene after touching up, 2009 r. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Fragment of scene after touching up. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • The chancel’s wall after conservation, 2010. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Scenes of Entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper and the Taking of Christ following conservation, 2010. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Christ Pantocrator with the Bible after exposure and conservation, 2010. Photo by W. Zalewski
  • Divine Eucharist after exposure and conservation, 2010. Photo by W. Zalewski